A lot of credit card providers are offering 55 days interest free. How exactly it works?
"Say you had a credit card with up to 55 days interest free and your credit card statement starts on the 1st of every month and ends on the 30th of every month. If you have up to 55 days interest free, your credit card bill will be due on the 25th of the next month. For example:
- 1st April – first day of the credit card statement
- 30th April – last day of the credit card statement
- 25th May – the day your April credit card bill is due
This means that there is a total of 55 days from the 1st of April including the day your bill is due.
Now let’s say you made a purchase of $100 on the 1st of April. No interest will be charged on the amount of the purchase up to, and including, the 25th of May. You get 55 days interest free on the purchase billed to your credit card on the 1st of April.
- On the 1st of April you make a purchase of $100. No interest will be charged on the amount of that purchase up to, and including, the 25th of May. You get 55 days interest free on that purchase.
- On the 20th of April you make a purchase of $150. No interest will be charged on the amount of that purchase up to, and including, the 25th of May. You get 35 days interest free on that purchase.
- On the 30th of April you decide to make a purchase of $200. No interest will be charged on the amount of that purchase up to, and including, the 25th of May. You get 25 days interest free on that purchase."
"When you fail to pay off your debt in full on any given month, you will lose the privilege of having interest free days, which means you will pay more interest than you thought."