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    [Brisbane] 【HOMELOAN】各大银行 房屋贷款 专业服务!

    HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2017-12-6 22:31:17
    83172 2146
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2017-7-3 10:26 编辑

    Public Home Loan



    让我们专业贷款经纪 (Mortgage Broker)给您提供建议,缩小您的贷款成本,并免费帮您申请各大银行的房屋贷款,商业贷款


    • 我们提供20间金融机构的利息比较。
    • 我们保证利息和产品和银行提供给大众的完全一致,甚至能争取到低于银行给大众的利息。
    • 我们让您了解您的最大贷款能力。
    • 我们提供各个银行贷款的基本要求须知。
    • 我们处理所有的文书工作,并提供简易,方便,快速的贷款服务。
    • 我们为您量身定做合适您的贷款产品。
    • 我们贷款经纪提供上门服务。
    • 我们不收您任何费用,因为金融机构将会支付我们佣金。


    • Home Loans - 房屋贷款用于购买全新房屋,二手房,买地建房。
    • Investment Loans - 房屋投资贷款用于购买全新房屋,二手房,买地建房。
    • 免费申请首次购新房 $20,000 政府补贴 –First Home Owners Grant (详情请参看 https://firsthomeowners.initiatives.qld.gov.au
    • 专业人士(会计,律师,医生等等)购房贷款 90% 无需缴交贷款保险(条件限制)。
    • 制订理财规划,缩短贷款期限,节省利息。

    • Refinancing - 再筹划资金用于装修,买车,旅行,投资。如果您觉得您现在的房贷利息偏高,并大于 4.20%,您已经支付高额的利息了。
    • 转换银行可获得最高 $1,500 的现金回扣(此回扣已足于抵消转换银行的所有费用)


    • 18岁以上人士
    • 自顾人士(Self-Employer)
    • 工作人士(Employee)
    • 首次购房人士(First Home Buyer)
    • 专业人士(Professionals)
    • 投资买房
    • 拥有不良信用记录人士买房
    • 457签证或其他签证买房



    Benson Tan 陈先生 (Senior Mortgage Adviser)
    手机:0416 738 188 (星期一 至 星期日 8am - 10pm)

    电话:07 3108 0140
    传真:07 3112 1988




    Public Home Loan - Brisbane owned by Public Finance Group Pty Ltd (ABN 52 611 071 651) ,由创办人Benson Tan负责管理。公司主要负责协助客户申请房屋贷款和商业贷款。成功的原因建立于与客户的信任,专业的服务和额外的售后服务。

    Public Home Loan 拥有 Finance Brokers Association of Australia (FBAA) VIP 专业会员准证,并接受 ASIC (Australia Securities and Investments Commission) 负责监管。公司组建于持有 FBAA 认证的专业贷款经纪。


    目前的利息 (03/07/2017)

    浮动利息(VARIABLE RATE              –       3.74% (Conditions apply)·      
    一年固定利息(BEST 1 YEAR FIXED –       3.74% (Conditions apply)·      
    两年固定利息(BEST 2 YEAR FIXED –       3.65% (Conditions apply)·      
    三年固定利息(BEST 3 YEAR FIXED –       3.64% (Conditions apply)
    四年固定利息(BEST 4 YEAR FIXED –       3.74% (Conditions apply)·     
    五年固定利息(BEST 5 YEAR FIXED –       4.44% (Conditions apply)·     


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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-16 05:06:22
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2014-9-18 15:05 编辑


    1)澳洲贷款经纪人(Mortgage Broker) 是在澳洲金融界是什么角色?

    在澳洲,有60%以上的房贷是通过贷款代理办理的。澳洲贷款经纪人往往能够更全面地了解客户需求,在给客户推介最合适客户的银行产品。贷款经纪人通常都是会得到银行支付的服务佣金(所以Benson Tan完全不向客户收取任何费用), 此费用在澳洲和经过澳洲金融管理局批准,并且都是有一个标准,所以对贷款经纪人来说,他们会公平公正看待不同银行的产品,为您推荐最适合的产品。此外,贷款经纪人提供的利息和产品都和银行零售产品完全一致,甚至经纪人能够争取到低于银行提供给大众的利息。

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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-17 03:06:03
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2014-9-18 15:12 编辑


    2)浮动利息(Variable Interest Rate)和固定利息(Fixed Interest Rate)的差别。




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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-19 00:20:46
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2014-9-18 15:17 编辑


    3)何谓对冲帐户(Offset Account)?
    对冲帐户的本质就是一个日常的交易帐户(a daily transactional account),只是这个帐户与 Home Loan 的 Loan account 贷款帐户相连。它的功能就是对冲你贷款帐户中的本金,因而降低你所需要支付本金所产生的利息。

    Loan account 有 $500,000 的贷款
    Offset account 有 $100,000  
    Interest rate 是 5.00%

    那么你只需要支付:($500,000-$100,000)*5.00% 的利息,而不是 $500,000 * 5.00%。
    Offset Account的好处就是当你需要用到帐户里的资金时,你随时都能提出,当然,能抵消利息的资金也随着降低。
    所以,大多数贷款者都把每月工资放进Offset Account,当需要用到时,再把它提出。
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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-20 07:51:58
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2014-9-18 15:19 编辑


    4)在什么情况下必须交付房屋贷款保险(Lenders Mortgage Insurance)?
    在正常的房屋贷款(Full Documentation Loan),如果贷款数目超过房子价值的80%,贷款机构会要求贷款者购买房屋贷款保险。这个保险的作用是在贷款人无力偿还贷款的情况下赔偿银行。房屋贷款保险保护的是银行,并不是贷款人。

    注:一些银行能放贷90%且不要求贷款人购买贷款保险 - 福利只给从事医疗行业的贷款人。

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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-22 23:00:54
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2016-6-13 22:56 编辑

    客户评价(所有的评价均为真实且遵守Australian Customer Law)

    From Jessie,

    “Benson was extremely professional,friendly & knowledgeable in guiding me obtaining my investment loan & Itrust him 100%. I would happily recommend him to anyone & because of myself being a financial adviser he has also generously referred his client to myself so we can look after the client together if he identifies other needs of his clients. Thank you Benson.”
    - Jessie (Algester)

    From KIM,

    Benson is the most helpful mortgage specialist as he responses for any requests or questions with good timely manner & always shows professional manner to customers. I definitely recommend him to all of my friends who need help for financial issue with mortgage.Thanks.
    - Kim (Underwood)

    FROM Raymond & Lia

    Hi Benson, we've moved in our house early last week and didn't get a chance to express our gratitude. Thank you very much for your patience and time answering my questions and applying for the loan.
    For anyone is planning to apply for homeloan or having no idea where you should start, I highly recommended Benson'service as his expertise will guide you through and you won't regret missing any possible low rate that you're entitled to.
    Keep in touch and thanks again!!
    - Raymond (Everton Hills)

    FROM Michelle & Eddie,

    I would like to thank Benson and the team. Benson found us the best mortgage deal on a loan and we really appreciated his excellent professional service. He always gave us a prompt update so we didn't worry too much as a first home buyer and he always returned my call no matter what. Thanks again Benson Tan your support and I highly recommend him for anyone!
    - Michelle & Eddie (Kangaroo Point)

    FROM Jocelyn & Stephen,

    Thank you very much to Benson and the team for taking the time to help us find the right mortgage. Benson has been very patient with all our questions and always got back to us on time. He is very helpful and even took the time to answer our questions while he was on holiday. Highly recommend him. Thanks again!!
    - Jocelyn & Stephen (Moorooka)

    FROM Alan,

    Good and efficient services. That's the only thing that keeps me going back with him again and again.
    - Alan (Stretton)

    FROM Jerome,

    It was our first time getting a loan and he has been the most helpful person in the whole process. Always going the extra mile to get you the best possible results. Very dedicated and professional. Highly recommended, will definitely use his services again Thanks Benson.
    - Jerome (Stretton)

    FROM Roland,

    If you are after a broker that actively responds to your questions/requests, then I recommend Benson. Very attentive and guides you through the entire loan process! Top Job! I will recommend him anytime, anyday to anyone! Thanks Benson for making things so much easier for us! Keep up the awesome work!
    - Roland (Stretton)

    (13/06/2016 更新)
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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-23 10:58:16
    本帖最后由 HomeLoan.Expert 于 2016-3-22 15:15 编辑

    客户评价(所有的评价均为真实且遵守Australian Customer Law)


    - Evony(Southport)

    FROM Mei Yee,

    “Incredibly helpful, patient and thorough with his work. Very prompt replies and always there to provide good advice. Even if it means going out of his way, Benson would make time and effort to help his clients. Definitely the ideal mortgage broker I would recommend to everyone. Was a pleasure having him look after my financial needs.”
    - Mei (Runcorn)

    FROM Linh,

    I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with the service Benson has provided me through out my loan, process on the purchase of my investment property recently.
    Benson has always beenpatient, helpful, professional and offered great advise with any questions regarding finance.
    I am satisfied with theoutcome and would greatly recommend family, friends and my real estate clientsto Benson,
    I also consider Benson as mybroker for my next....investment property again.
    You are my best broker :)
    - Linh (Raywhite - Darra)

    FROM Andy AN,
    Benson Tan was really professional and I appreciated his very prompt and kind service for the mortgages. He also helped me a lot for other issues I faced on. I am very happy for everything he has done for me and would like to recommend his professional service to anyone who needs mortgages. Thank you so much Benson.- Andy An(Sunnybank)

    (22/03/2016 更新)
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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-24 12:06:14
    请联络 BENSON TAN  0416 738 188 !!!
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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-25 10:31:49
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     楼主| HomeLoan.Expert 发表于 2013-8-28 11:08:20
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