本帖最后由 jyhsouth 于 2011-4-24 15:58 编辑
LZ 我车子是BUDGET DIRECT的全险 想请问发生交通事故之后 一般的流程是怎么样的啊? 我应该要做什么啊? ...
fengxinxia 发表于 2011-4-24 15:09 ![]()
BUDGET DIRECT 的保費也是蠻有競爭力的, 剛剛查了下, 可去電1300 139 591 或上網申請理賠 24/7 Online Claims Notification
4. What if I have to make a car insurance claim?
If you need to make a car insurance claim call 1300 139 591 and one of our claims consultants will help you get back on the road as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you may also wish to notify us of your claim online through our 24/7 Online Claims Notification system. We will then endeavour to call you back during your preferred time to complete the lodgement of your claim.
In most cases you will be able to deal with any car insurance claims requests over the phone. We aim to have all claims processed promptly to avoid any inconvenience.
In case of an emergency, please call our customer service staff on 1300 139 591 for immediate support and advice.
最重要的是, 萬一發生事故, 重大車禍先call 警察, 一般的話要記下對方駕照資料, 最好見到正本, 及車款車號資料及時間,地點天后路況車速等等, 最好要有目擊證人的姓名電話, 當場不需氣急敗壞的爭辯誰是誰非, 就算是你的錯最好也別說 sorry, 在這邊只要記好所有訊息交給保險公司就等著排期驗車修車了, 如果是對方的錯的話你無需任何花費修車且不影響明年保費, 所有支出將由對方買單, 反之, 責任在你的話, 你也只需支付保險的自付額而已, 一般約為500~1000不定,端視你保約內容而定,如果是 young driver 和新手駕駛, 自付額會更多, 查下你的保單內容吧, 希望有助你多了解一下, 最好備而不用 ^^ |