oh my god. seriously, 这位网友你会不会激动的有一点过头了?讲了这么多,越扯越远。我都说了,国家的政府怎么样不管我的事。我只对百姓有直接影响的事来就事论事而已。你说我没有经济理论,所以呢??我为什么要为了一个没有直接影响到我的事情来怨恨一个国家和他们的人民呢?。你在这不断的做攻击,破口说大道理。目的不就是想说我们胳膊肘子向外拐的人不得好死是叛徒?你一肚子怒火冲我发值得吗?到头来也只是你自己气得半死。在这里我只是表态我个人想法。而对我来讲你只是一个毫无意义的人。你自己不能接受先对我的帖文做了攻击。我对版主表态我的想法。你却完全来了个长篇大论的无理取闹。。而对于我提的出发点完全忽略。这么热血的你应该做代表去抗议的。到人家日本人门前重复一遍你在这里所说的话。让世界知道你的爱国精神。要不然在这对着我乱叫实在太浪费了。我真心为你感到不值!你既然不能接受别人自由发言,有独立思想的话。那我看你每天有骂不完的人。说不完的道理。活的不累吗?
I honestly think there'ssomething majorly wrong with you. Your thoughts are absolutly sickening, and from what youve said, you've proved nothing but to be a shallow hearted angry person. Pretty sure you chose to come to this country toimprove your life and education. Does that make you a less loving person foryour own country because you don't support what they have to offer you? No one blamedyou and called you disloyal for ditching your own country. So why should youmake the decision and judge everyone else? Just because we dont dont hate. Doesnt mean we have no love for our country. You should know that thisis a country of free speech. If you cant accept what others have to say then dowhat you can to prove yourself right in what you believe. Go make a differencein the world. Don’t just endlessly make random attacks at things that i have tosay just because it’s not at your liking. So far you've achieved nothing butcause hatred between people.
So my conclusion is...I dont have any interest in what ever you think or have to say. But I truly despise you for being a person full of anger and hate. Its people like you that cause war to happen in this world. so shame on you. |