wishart 发表于 2012-4-3 23:28
是这样的,我是在GARDEN CITY 那个 十字路口,知道吧, 然后我走的时候是绿灯,但是因为上午堵车,我被卡 ...
首先,Drive past the lightDrive past the green traffic light or arrow, as long as the intersection is clear.
即便是绿灯,但如果你无法通过intersection,比如你的情况,你前面已经有车堵着,你就不应该驶入,你应该在stop line后面等着。
第二,Turning right at traffic lights
If the light is green and there are vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, you should move forward into the intersection past the STOP line if you can do so safely. If there is a safe gap in oncoming traffic, you may complete the turn. If you are in the intersection and the oncoming traffic continues until the lights turn yellow or red, you must complete the turn on the yellow or red light.