本帖最后由 爱思居留学 于 2013-8-3 14:11 编辑
以下是一些很常见的移民专业,不过,是否依旧没找到你所中意的课程?那就赶快联系爱思居吧~为你具体分析 量身设计你的留学移民之路~
Teacher Education Programs:
AustralianCatholic University: Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary)
AustralianCatholic University: Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
QueenslandUniversity of Technology: Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
GriffithUniversity: Master of Teaching (International) (Secondary)
Approved Nursing Program:
The Universityof Queensland: Bachelor of Nursing
QueenslandUniversity of Technology: Bachelor of Nursing
GriffithUniversity: Bachelor of Nursing
Approved Accounting Program:
QueenslandUniversity of Technology: Bachelor/Master of Business (ProfessionalAccounting)
GriffithUniversity: Bachelor/Master of Commerce (Accounting)
The Universityof Queensland: Bachelor/Master of Commerce (Accounting)
Approved Pharmacy Program:
The Universityof Queensland: Bachelor of Pharmacy (4 years)
QueenslandUniversity of Technology: Bachelor of Pharmacy (4 years)
GriffithUniversity: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (3 years) + Master of Pharmacy(1.5 years)
James CookUniversity: Bachelor of Pharmacy (TownsvilleCampus) (4 years)
Approved Engineering Program:
CurtinUniversity of Technology: Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Engineering) (KalgoorlieCampus)/ Bachelorof Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Civil and Construction Engineering) (Bentley Campus)
CentralQueensland University (Rockhampton campus): Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)/ (Electrical)/(Mechanical)
GriffithUniversity: Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Computer Engineering)
详情咨询 爱思居移民留学
Phone:07 3171 9818
移民专线 13085221
留学专线 1662064563
MSN: education@theastutegroup.com
Address: 37/223 Calam Road, Sunnybank Hills, QLD 4109(豪客海鲜大酒楼楼上, Level 1)