本帖最后由 新环球雅思 于 2017-1-6 22:16 编辑
2017年大家都在担忧是否新的一年,雅思是否又是大换血,以前准备的很多题目都无法再次使用。新环球雅思STEVEN老师很负责人的告诉你,并没有! 在延续了2016年80%老话题后,依旧是20% 的新题面孔。至于新题是什么,还请询问STEVEN老师,因为这个新题部分是动态的, 只能通过新环球学员考试的即时反馈得知。为了确保你的雅思口语全部命中,请随时锁定我们。
Part 1 Work orstudies Home/accommodation Hometown Sing Bus or taxi Gifts Transportation Newspapers Weekends Outdooractivities Music Birthdays
Hats Noise Mobile phone Computer Handcrafts Walking Flowers Advertisement Being in ahurry Dance Publicholidays Painting Museums Colors Sunny days
Sport/Exercise What sports do you like? (Why?) What sports are most popular in China? Are boys and girls good at the samesports? What sports do children prefer? Do you like to do daily exercise?(Why?/Why not?) What are the advantages of doing regularexercise? Where do people in China usuallyexercise? Swimming Do you like swimming? How often do you swim? Where do you swim in your city? Is it difficult to learn how to swim? Shopping Are there many shops near your home?(What kind?) Do you like shopping? (Why?/Why not?) Who usually does the shopping in yourhome? How often do you buy something in a shop?
Food/Cooking Is food important to you? (Why?) What kinds of food do you particularlylike? Is there any food you don’t like? (Why?) What kinds of food are most popular inChina? Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?) Who usually does the cooking in yourhome?
Birds How do you feel about birds? (Why do youfeel that way?) How do Chinese people feel about birds? Are there many birds near your home? Have you seen many different kinds ofbirds? (near your home)
Leisure Time When do you have free time? Do you think it's important to haveleisure time? How does that (the way Chinese peoplelike to relax) compare with western countries? Do your friends ever come to your homein their free time? Compare the way people in China relaxtoday and the way they used to relax years ago. Rain Does it rain much in China? (Where?When?) Is there any part of China where itdoesn't rain much? (Where?) When (in what month/season) does it rainmost in your hometown? What about the other parts of China? (Inwhich season does it rain most in other parts of China?) Can you remember any time when it rainedparticularly heavily in your hometown? (When?) Does rain ever affect transportation inyour hometown? (How?)
Television and Radio What kind of entertainment do youprefer, TV or radio? (Why?) How are radio programs and televisionprograms different? What programs do you like towatch/listen to? When do you watch TV/listen to theradio? In China, has television/radio changedmuch in recent years? How do you think TV/radio broadcasts inChina could be improved?
Indoor Games Do you play any indoor games? Do you prefer to play indoor games oroutdoor games? What indoor games did you play when youwere a child? Is there any particular indoor game thatyou liked (when you were a child)? What sorts of indoor games do childrenplay now?
History Do you like (to learn about) history? What historical event do you find mostinteresting? Do you think history is important? Do you like to watch programs on TVabout history? How (or, from where) do you getinformation about history?
Going Out Do you like going out with yourfriends? Do you often go out withfriends? What do you do when you go out? Where do you go when you goout? Do you prefer to go out with a largegroup of friends or just a few friends?
Patience What do you think "patience"is? Do you think patience is important? (Possibly) Do you think being patient isan important part of being polite? Would you say you are a patient person? Have you ever lost your patience? What do you become impatient about?
Plans and Goals When do you plan to start that? How do you intend to achieve that? When you go abroad, do you plan to livein the countryside or a big city? (Why?)
Weather What's the weather like today? What's the weather (usually) like inyour hometown? (Similar to above) What is the typicalweather in your country? What's your favourite season?(Why?) (Similar to above, but different) What'syour favourite weather? (Why?) Do you like snow? (Why?) Do you watch the weatherforecasts? Does the weather ever affect what youdo?
Names Does your name have any particularmeaning? What's the origin of your name? (or,your surname) Do you like your name? What do your friends call you? Did your family have a certain (nick)name that they called you when you were a child? What names are popular to give to babiesin your country?
Part2 Describe a tall building in yourhometown you like or dislike Describe a person/something that madeyou laugh Describe your favorite movie Describe a piece of equipment in yourhome Describe a gift that you recently gaveto others Describe a time you needed to useimagination Describe a person who you have met andwant to know more about Describe a time you were really close toa wild animal Describe an activity that you prefer todo and is a little expensive Describe a time you were very busy Describe an interesting or unusual thingyou did recently Describe an interesting song Describe a creative inventor or musician Describe a garden you have visited Describe a time you made an appointmentfor something Describe an area of science that you areinterested in Describe a special meal you have had Describe a place you often visit Describe a team project for study orentertainment Describe a place in other countrieswhere you would like to work Describe a famous person in your country Describe a place where you relaxed Describe an outdoor activity you like todo Describe an advertisement you have seenrecently Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car tripthat is interesting Describe a website you like to visit Describe a person that you admire Describe an interesting photo Describe an important place (like astadium) in your city Describe someone who has a greatinfluence on you Describe a small business you want to doin the future
Describe a short journey that you oftentake but disliked Describe a wedding you have been to Describe a situation that you got angry Describe a big company you areinterested in. Describe an activity you do to keep fit. Describe a program or app in yourcomputer or phone Describe a mistake that you once made Describe an occasion when you ate a kindof food for the first time Describe a positive change you have had Describe a method that helps you savemoney Describe an interesting tradition inyour country Describe a character or personality ofyours Describe an old thing that your familyhas kept for a long time. Describe a person that just moved home Describe an activity that you do afterschool or work Describe an interesting public placethat you like to visit Describe a time that you had to get upearly Describe a person who once moved to livewith you Describe a piece of good news that youreceived Describe a time that you sharedsomething with someone Describe a leader that you admire Describe an important skill you learnedwhen you were a child Describe a course that you want to learn Describe a creative person that youadmire Describe a person that you like to spendtime with Describe your favorite part in your city(town) An Exciting Sport Describe an exciting sport that you knowabout. You should say: what the sport is how you know about this sport how easy it is to play this sport and explain what it was about this sport that makes it exciting (for you).
A Party Describe a party you would like toarrange for your friends or family. You should say: who you would invite to the party when and where you would hold the party what you (or, your guests) would do atthe party and explain why you would hold (= have)this party. Or and explain what preparations you woulddo for this party.
A Newspaper or Magazine Article Describe an article you recently read ina newspaper or magazine. You should say: what magazine or newspaper it was when you read it what the article was about and explain why you remember thisarticle. An Artistic Activity Describe an artistic activity that youdo/did (outside of normal classes) at school or university (such as painting,woodwork or pottery) You should say: what the activity is/was when & where you do/did thisactivity who you do/this activity with how you did this activity and explain how you felt (feel) abouthis activity Success Describe a success you would like toachieve (in the near future). You should say: what it is how difficult you think it will be what you should do to prepare for this and explain why you want to succeedin doing this. Or and explain how you think you will feelafter you reach this goal. An Email or Postcard Describe a holiday postcard or email youreceived and that you liked. You should say: who the postcard/email was from where it was sent from when you received it what the contents of the postcard oremailwere and explain why you liked it.
A Place where People Listen toMusic Describe a place you know where peoplego to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall). You should say: where it is what kind of music is performedthere what type of people go there why people go there how you know this place and explain your impressions of thisplace.
A Person who has visited your Home Describe a person who visited yourhome. You should say: who the person was why they visited your home how you spent the time with this visitor(or how you entertained this visitor) and explain how you felt about thevisit.
An Adventurous Person Describe an adventurous person who youknow. You should say: who the person is how you know this person what this person does that isadventurous and explain why you think this personlikes to take risks. Or explain how you feel about the risksthis person takes.)
A Tourist Attraction Describe a tourist site in your countrythat you enjoyed visiting. You should say where you went (= the name and locationof the place) what sort of this place it was (or, whatit looked like) what you did there who you went with and explain why you enjoyed it. Or and explain why you think people areattracted to that place. A Piece of Furniture Describe an item of furniture, eithermodern or traditional. You should say: what material it is made of what style it is (modern or traditional) who bought it (or, who chose to buy it) and explain (how or) why this piece offurniture was bought. (Or, explain how this piece of furniture is used.)
A Work of Art Describe a painting or work of art thatyou have seen. You should say: when you saw this work of art where you saw it what it lookedlike and explain your impression of it. A Practical Skill Describe a practical skill that you have(such as driving a car, speaking a foreign language, cooking etc). You should say: what this skill is who taught you this skill; (how and whenyou learned it) how long you learned this skill and explain how this skill is useful toyou.
以上转载自 雅思哥 黄金海岸学员的好消息!新环球雅思黄金海岸校区正式开班!
布里斯班地区开班啦!时间不合适可自由选一对一专业辅导,布里斯班地区面对面授课,其他地区网络授课均可。 IELTS 50期5,6分全面保证班
适合目标5、6分学员 本次开班48期已报满! 第50期预计于2017年2月6日开班 7周半课程 每周2次课 共15次 每次3小时 上课时间6:30-9:30pm 3-6人小班 含听说读写 灵活教学 根据你的时间来上课 布里斯班全市最低价 费用一共$1399全包含教材 提供保分 详情请加微信咨询Steven老师: Newglobaleducation Mob: 0405499526
第一波:43期67分写作班M同学几战终于拿下写作7分! 功夫不负有心人 恭喜你!
第二波:新环球雅思一对一高中学员A同学首战拿下6分 口语更是获得7分 希望未来 墨尔本之路一帆风顺!
第三波:新环球IELTS43期另外一位学员M同学也一次过7 实力选手 一切在预料之中!43期其他两位学生,看你们的了!
第四波:恭喜11月19日 考场 新环球44期学员L同学一次过6,有惊无险的过关,顺利申请TR。 44期给大家留下了诸多欢乐,也让我们看到了文章同学的努力。话说,文章这次看你的了。加油,44期剩下的同学们,我们继续加油!
第五波:恭喜D帅哥一次刷雅思过6, 可以顺利申请UQ或者墨尔本大学预科。顺便打个小广告,他弹的一首好吉他,有想学习的朋友可以找他。关键是颜值高!
第六波:恭喜A同学 成功脱离语言中心的煎熬和奋斗,拿到5分。孩子的努力也离不开家长的悉心培养,每个成功的孩子背后都有伟大的父母。新环球雅思STEVEN老师表示祝贺。
关注新环球雅思,掌握布里斯班,黄金海岸,昆士兰 澳洲地区第一时间考试资料和动态,我们会定期推出预测,欢迎大家扫码: