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[学习类【雅思 NAATI PTE PY 辅导】] 【名师带你背单词】——part 2

曼拓教育 发表于 2016-12-16 10:42:49
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本帖最后由 曼拓教育 于 2016-12-16 10:53 编辑

【名师带你背单词】本周词汇汇总(PTE真题+TED Talk精选)




布里斯班开了新的PTE考点了!!!就在SPRING HILL!!!
名字——International Education Services Ltd




接下去为大家放出PTE真题以及TED Talk精选文章

PTE真题:The war for talent人才之战 Part2

Talent is never explicitlydefined in the book, though the Preface notes, "A certain part of talent eludedescription: You simply know it when you see it." (p. xii) After severalfurther caveats, the authors go on: "We can say, however,that managerial talent is some combination of a sharp strategic mind,leadership ability, emotional maturity, communications skills, the ability toattract and inspire other talented people, entrepreneurial instincts,functional skills, and the ability to deliver results." (p. xiii) Theauthors offer no outside support for this assertion.

A 2006 articlein The Economist, which mentions the book, notes that, "companies donot even know how to define “talent”, let alone how to manageit. Some use it to mean people like Aldous Huxley's alphas in “Brave New World”—those at the top of thebell curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entireworkforce, a definition so broad as to be meaningless."

The 'War fortalent is seen by various sources as becoming irrelevant during economic downturns.However, there has been highly visible talent poaching by solventfirms of others who have economic hardship (e.g., JPMorgan was raided by a European firm in March, 2009)

The secrets of nature’s grossest creatures, channeled intorobots

Even nature'smost disgusting creatures have important secrets, but who would want a swarmof cockroaches coming towards them?

Yet one of thegreatest differences between natural and human technologies relates to robustness.Robust systems are stable in complex and new environments. Remarkably,cockroaches can self-stabilize running over rough terrain. When weput a jet pack on them, or give them a perturbation like anearthquake, we discovered that their wonderfully tuned legs allow them toself-stabilize without using any of their brainpower. They can go over complexterrain like grass, no problem, and not get destabilized. We discovered a newbehavior where, because of their shape, they actually roll automatically totheir side to go through this artificial test bit of grass.

Robust systemscan perform multiple tasks with the same structure. Here's a new behavior we'vediscovered. The animals rapidly invert and disappear in lessthan150 milliseconds — you never see them —using the samestructures that they use to run, their legs. They can run upside down veryrapidly on rods, branches and wires, and if you perturb oneof those branches, they can do this. They can perform gymnastic maneuverslike no robot we have yet. And they have nearly unlimited maneuverability with that same structure and unprecedented access to a variety ofdifferent areas. They have wings for flying when they get warm, but they usethose same wings to flip over if they get destabilized. Very effective.

Robust systems arealso fault tolerant and fail-safe. This is the foot of a cockroach. It has spines,gluey pads and claws, but if you take off those feet, they canstill go over rough terrain, without hardly slowing down. They can run up meshwithout their feet. Here's an animal using a normal, alternating tripod:three legs, but in nature, the insects often have lost their legs. Here's onemoving with two middle legs gone. It can even lose three legs, in a tripod, andadopt a new gait, a hopping gait.

Robust systems arealso damage resistant. Here's an animal climbing up a wall. Itlooks like a rapid, smooth, vertical climb, but when you slow it down, you seesomething very different. Here's what they do. They intentionally have ahead-on collision with the wall so they don't slow down and can transition upit in 75 milliseconds. And they can do this in part because they haveextraordinary exoskeletons. And they're really just made up of compliantjoints that are tubes and plates connected to one another. Here's adissection of an abdomen of a cockroach. You see these plates,and you see the compliant membrane.

My engineeringcolleague at Berkeley designed with his students a novel manufacturing techniquewhere you essentially origami the exoskeleton, you laser cut it, laminateit, and you fold it up into a robot. And you can do that nowin less than 15 minutes. These robots are highly compliant robots, and they'reremarkably robust as a result of these features. They even have some of thebehaviors of the cockroaches. So they can use their smart, compliant body totransition up a wall in a very simple way. They even have some of thebeginnings of the rapid inversion behavior where they disappear.

Now we want to knowwhy they can go anywhere. We discovered that they can go through three-millimetergaps, the height of two pennies, two stacked pennies, and whenthey do this, they can actually run through those confined space sathigh speeds, although you never see it. To understand it better, we did a CTscan of the exoskeleton and showed that they can compress theirbody by over 40 percent. We put them in a materials testing machine to look atthe stress strain analysis and showed that they can withstandforces 800 times their body weight, and after this they can fly and run absolutelynormally.

想要迅速通过PTE考试 +10分、+20分吗???


Practice makes perfect!!!

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