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[上班族] How to Write Professional Emails

yo1yo2 发表于 2012-9-8 19:49:04
208 2
Return emails within the same timeframe you return phone calls. This may not always be realistic but people want to know you’ve received their correspondence.

Include the action you require of the recipient in the email subject line. For example, “Response required or FYI only’

Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. Use capital letters sparingly, if at all, because ‘tone’ can’t also be detected in an email.

Use an appropriate font and point size.

Write in a positive tone. Avoid negative words and blaming statements as much as possible.

When sending an attachment mention what’s being attached and make sure it’s sent. If you realize you forgot to send it, re-send with an apology

Deliver the news upfront, whether in a subject line or within the first sentence if possible. Very few people have time to read stories.

Think about what you’re writing before you hit the ‘send’ button. Read your message twice and see if the email makes sense. Calm down before responding to a message that offends you.

As much as possible avoid ‘reply all’ when emailing.

Do not send huge attachments with emails. It’s better to upload on a shared network resource and send people a link. That way messages don’t get stuck or clog up business systems

Make sure the proper recipients are on the email and make sure you get the names right (don’t write Keith when you mean Kenneth).

If things become heated, misunderstandings will probably occur. There are times a phone call may be needed to smooth things over.

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