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[英语类] 雅思口语part2超高频 A film you likedislike

oz指南针团队 发表于 2014-4-17 11:37:56
201 1

  电影在part2作为话题的时候,有两张卡片,喜欢的和不喜欢的(还有一张卡片是A film making you laugh,最近不考)。在4月和5月题库,活跃的是不喜欢的卡片 A film you dislike.大家要灵活一些,不管喜欢还是不喜欢,都是在叙述电影本身,所以在之下的答案,Vicky给大家列出不喜欢的理由,也列出喜欢的理由,自己组合吧。
  本期讲的是《盟军夺宝队》 <The Monuments Men>,由乔治克鲁尼导演,主演包括Matt Damon在内一堆演技派大咖,该电影讲述二战时期,一队由艺术家等艺术工作者组成夺宝小队,保护艺术瑰宝收到纳粹侵害。影片基于真实故事改编。该片在IMBD和豆瓣打分都不高,主要原因是什么?在下面的答案里Check it out吧!

A film you dislike

The most recent disappointing movie would be The Monuments Men, an action drama based on the true story in history. It’s a World War II drama about an unlikely team consisting of seven art historians tasked with rescuing artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves. The film is directed by George Clooney and starting the first-class actors including Matt Damon. However, it isn't impressive at all.
There is a lot of switching back and forth between the teams but too little time is spent to any of them for the characters to grow and the story to cohere. In many cases, I didn't know the characters' names. It's a bad sign when the film doesn't draw you in sufficiently and stars like George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Cate Blanchett are all disappeared into their characters. There's simply too much going on to cram into two hours and the end result is a feeling that the movie needs another two hours to make sense.
However, the story told by The Monuments Men is worth telling. The movie does a good job of illustrating why protecting art from the Nazi monsters was important. It does not only effectively capture the look of wartime Europe, but also reflects the feel of some of the war films made during the 1960s and 1970s. The most stirring moment is provided by Bill Murray. While taking a shower, he hears the voice of his daughter singing a Christmas carol/song. It's a lovely, moving scene - the kind of thing The Monuments Men needs more of.



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stfz 发表于 2014-4-22 14:01:50
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