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[其他] 生命中的宽阔流长 和 Worth Every Minute

minsao 发表于 2013-4-15 13:26:48
163 0














更多文章: 中国信徒佈道会 中信月刊 http://ccmusa.org/Read/read.aspx (有简体字/繁体字版本)

Worth Every Minute

Two hours is a small price for Bhima to pay. He’s made this journey countless times, but when you’re feeding the hungry, the joy is worth it all.

Pastor Bhima travels to the surrounding villages of his home, sharing the love of Jesus with many who have never heard Christ’s name. When Bhima came to a town two hours away, he discovered that several people were hungry to learn about God. So he kept returning.

A Village Steeped in ReligionThe majority of the villagers believe in karma and are bound in superstition, and most don’t know how to read. But these hard-working farmers will not put up with anyone mocking their faith.

Padma, a quiet young woman in the town, has worshiped and sacrificed to idols since childhood. Her family is often separated, because her father works in a different state, but she works hard to help her mother and brothers take care of their home. A dedicated student, one would never guess from Padma’s smile the difficulties she has to endure to make it through school.

Tormented by SpiritsWhy they chose her, Padma didn’t know, but every time she tried to concentrate on her studies, demons attacked. She wanted to learn but frequent headaches prevented her.

Padma and her mother visited many doctors, but no one had answers to free Padma from her misery.
Pastor Bhima happened to visit Padma’s home one day and shared the Gospel with her mother. Padma arrived later, and he got to pray for her. Padma’s mother noticed a difference in her daughter after the prayer, so she asked Bhima to keep coming. He gladly consented and visited often, reading from God’s Word and asking God to heal Padma.

Where Two or More are GatheredBhima invited two believers from his hometown to begin a regular prayer meeting in Padma’s home. One day, as the three believers prayed over Padma, she fell down unconscious, but Bhima and his friends continued to intercede for her deliverance and the Lord rescued her. In moments, Padma stood up, fully restored.

Padma and her mother were overjoyed and thanked the believers profusely. From that day on, Padma started to attend prayer meetings, and gradually God convicted her heart of her need for Jesus.

Now, there is a wide-open door in this village to hear the message of Jesus. The people are amazed at what God accomplished in Padma’s life and they see the power Christ has over darkness. Padma also joyfully shares her testimony with others, and no one opposes her witness because they are so happy that she is healed.

更多文章: 福音给亚洲 (Gospel for Asia) http://gospelforasia-reports.org/

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