谢谢 作者: docomo 时间: 2013-4-3 20:40
Check RAM and harddisk. Also make sure that you don't have any usb flash drives, memory cards or CD/DVD plugged into the computer when starting up.作者: oozhu 时间: 2013-4-3 21:18
如果是Dell台式机,机箱面板上通常有几个LED指示灯,1234之类的。你把那个指示灯的组合记下来(1234,和电源灯的颜色)就能查到是什么问题。如果有保修,直接叫人来看最方便。作者: windfan 时间: 2013-4-4 09:35
For desktop: reinsert the keyboard and mouse.
For desktop and laptop: start up and press "esc", it will show you "pressing Key F? to enter BIOS". Follows and do a default setting.作者: gcoast 时间: 2013-4-6 20:39
把内存拿出来擦干净,放回去就好了, 谢谢大家