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Zombie 2012???????

锵锵 发表于 2012-6-2 10:08:10
376 6
Zombie Instances, May 2012 - Google Maps http://t.cn/zOetGMu





Zombie Instances, May 2012
Newsweek & The Daily Beast is tracking news of instances that may be the precursor to a zombie apocalypse. Blue pins represent suspicious incidences or infections, while red pins represent acts of strange violence.

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Strikes
Mid-May: The first case of necrotizing fasciitis, a rare flesh-eating bacterial infection, was reported in Georgia in mid-May, when Andy Copeland began recording his daughter’s rare condition online. ...
Rash Triggers HazMat Investigation at McArthur School
May 16th: In mid-May, 12 students and two teachers at McArthur High School in Hollywood, Fla., were rushed to the hospital after breaking out in a severe rash, the cause of which was never explained. ...
Second Area School Reports Mystery Rash
May 23rd: A week later, a similar rash hit Lauderdale Lakes Middle School, not far from where the first one struck. Four students and a teacher all broke out on their wrists during science class, thou...
Naked Man Eats Another Man’s Face
May 26th: Add this to the list of “Most Bizarre Crime Stories Ever.” Miami police are still investigating the grisly case of a naked man who was caught eating another naked man’s face and gauging his...
Flesh-Eating Bacteria Strikes Again
Weeks after Aimee Copeland contracted necrotizing fasciitis, a South Carolina woman was diagnosed with the flesh-eating virus, though her symptoms were less acute. Lana Kuykendall gave birth to twins ...
Man Throws Own Intestines at Police
May 27th: And you thought these things only happened in horror movies. New Jersey police broke into the home of Wayne Carter, 43, on Sunday after being tipped off that he was armed and threatening to ...
Man Bites Woman's Cheek
May 27th: A blood-thirsty Illinois man was arrested on Sunday for allegedly grabbing an 18-year-old woman by the throat biting her cheek, and threatening her life if she called the cops. Too bad he wa...
Man Bites Cousin's Nose Off
May 29th: When all else fails in a fight, use your teeth. This was apparently the muddled thought process of an intoxicated California man who resorted to biting off the tip of his cousin's nose durin...
Man Bites Lips Off Kitten, Strangles Another Cat
May 26th: There are criminals, and then there are deranged sociopaths who can’t stop themselves from harming helpless kittens. A Palm Coast man was arrested after confessing to an acquaintance that he...
Contractor Bites Lowe's Employees
May 27th: A self-employed contractor was put behind bars this weekend after he bit the arms of two Lowe’s employees in Georgia, drawing blood in the process. Christopher Newman, 34, was shopping when ...
Florida Doctor Spits Blood at Highway Patrolmen Post-DUI Arrest
May 27th: The only thing more disturbing than the sight of an anesthesiologist going berserk in a cop car is the thought of him injecting people with sedatives. After police cuffed Dr. Zachary Bird fo...
Man Eats Another Man's Brain
May 31st: A 21-year-old Maryland man has admitted to eating another man's heart and part of his brain.
Woman Loses Arm to Flesh-Eating Bacteria After Injecting Bath Salts
Jan 12th: A New Orleans woman lost her arm and nearly her life from flesh-eating bacteria after injecting herself with "bath salts." The term is short for synthetic chemicals like mephedrone and MDPV,...
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loveless333 发表于 2012-6-3 14:44:25
tnplofadam 发表于 2012-6-2 19:49
汉尼拔 莱克特博士说大脑还是生吃的好,只需要用醋泡一下。而且大脑本身没有痛觉,活吃也没有问题

还可以加点葱花 蒜蓉什么的
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tnplofadam 发表于 2012-6-2 19:49:15
loveless333 发表于 2012-6-2 16:06

汉尼拔 莱克特博士说大脑还是生吃的好,只需要用醋泡一下。而且大脑本身没有痛觉,活吃也没有问题
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loveless333 发表于 2012-6-2 16:06:53
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tnplofadam 发表于 2012-6-2 13:41:27
我已经买过武器了,就等zombie apocalypse
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Helen@Tang 发表于 2012-6-2 12:58:40
據最近新聞報導, 那些人都有瞌藥或吸毒的習慣.
唉! 身體髮膚受之父母, 不可毀傷, 慎哉!
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sphinx2 发表于 2012-6-2 11:37:29
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Jun  2 01:03:48 2012), 站内

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