作者: laughingsir 时间: 2012-4-24 02:27
LZ 美意不錯,但這種店還是少去, (oil and parts not included) + (spark plugs not included) + (filters not included) + (coolant not included)+ Power Steering Flush (fluid not included)Brake fluid flush (fluid not included)Engine coolant change (coolant not included),
啥都不 included, 這些要是全included不就隨他喊價了嗎? 39只是噱頭, 童鞋們小心些,很多店家只是釣你上門, 還是少去為妙 ^^
作者: andy610 时间: 2012-4-24 16:31
laughingsir 发表于 2012-4-24 02:27
LZ 美意不錯,但這種店還是少去, (oil and parts not included) + (spark plugs not included) + (filters n ...