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[Brisbane] I miss

AwareAlert 发表于 2015-12-17 14:06:27
441 2
本帖最后由 AwareAlert 于 2015-12-17 14:34 编辑

For starters, I'm not looking for someone to love me. I love myself plenty. I understand a relationship is supposed to enhance your life, not make or break it. I'm looking for someone to love. When I think about an ideal relationship, most of my thoughts veer towards what I'd like to provide for the other person. Things I'd cook, restaurants I'd take her out to, theme parks we'd go to, impromptu road trips we'd take, favors I'd like to pay. I really think the desire to provide for someone else is one of the major hallmarks of maturity, and it is one I look for in people I spend time with. And so by extension of that I guess I'm...looking for someone to love me? No one ever said this dating thing would make sense. Hah. Anyways, onward with my descriptionI am Quill, Chinese, study and live in Adelaide. Add my qq 2780360238 and let's chat.

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seller111 发表于 2016-3-8 20:50:54
本帖最后由 seller111 于 2016-3-8 20:51 编辑

Thank you for joining us. If you write in English, great! However, please make sure no grammar mistakes, use proper words and clear paragraphing. To be honest, reading this article makes my eyes blurry, and only the last sentence makes sense.

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