A difficult time/period you went through
该话题可以跟 Experience of moving home进行嫁接 大意: 第一段:从小城搬到大城,想念之前的同学,夜不能眠。 第二段:真正的难点,以前学校学的简单,课程进度不同,别人课后活动,我要补课去图书馆努力赶上来。 第三段:结果,好在在第二学期排到前十名,同学们开始相处融洽;感谢父母在过程中的鼓励和支持。 第四段:总结,现在想起来还百感交集。这段经历值得,因为让我更坚韧和自信。
The most difficult time I went throughshould be 5 years ago when my family moved from a small city to Hangzhou(这里大家自己定,可以选省会城市), the capital and also biggest city in Zhejiang province. I had tojoin in a new high school and face to the entirely new environment. During thefirst 2 months, I missed my previous classmates so much that I often criedbefore sleeping at night.
But that’s not the only reason I felt down沮丧. The mostchallenging thing was the study. After settling down安顿 and beginningto focus on courses, I realized what I learnt in the small city was much easierthan the new school. The curriculums课程表 were alsodifferent. I was nearly one semester behind of the new pace. So when othersenjoyed the after-school activities, I had to have extra classes and stay inthe library in order to catch up as soon as possible.
Luckily, my hard work finally paid back. Myoverall scoring平均成绩 could rank top 10 in the class in the end of the second semester.And I was also accepted as by the new classmates as good friends. Thanks to myparents’ encouragements and backing me up, I went through the tough time withconfidence.
Till now, I still have complicated feelingswhen talking about that experience. However, it’s worthy going through it, forI became more persistent and confident.