子曰:「弟子, 入則孝, 出則弟, 謹而信, 凡愛衆, 而親仁。行有餘力, 則以學文。」
------《論語 · 學而》
Confucius said: “ A young man should perform duty to parents at home, be respectful to people at large, develop character qualities of consideration and honesty, cherish equal love for humanity, follow people of true learning and virtues as role models. After doing all this, he can spend his time on obtaining knowledge. ”
(Chapter 6, Book I, Analects of Confucius)
弟子规 圣人训 首孝弟 次谨信
英译:This book is an introduction to the Confucian principles of children’s disciplines.
These focus on duty to parents, harmony with brothers and sisters at home and how to develop the personal characteristics of honesty and care for others.
晏殊是宋代名臣,还是著名的文学家。 晏殊小时候便有神童之誉。一次,皇上让他参加御前考试,拿到考题后,他马上请求皇上另出新题,并老老实实地禀报:“这个题目,我十天前正好练习过,草稿还存在家里,为考出真才实学,请为我出道新试题。”他这种诚实的态度深得皇上赏识。考中进士后,晏殊仍然每天闭门读书,刻苦用功。他如此敦厚,如此好学,颇得世人好评。