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[Brisbane] 兄弟们快来分享一下 老外亲自传授的亚洲男人泡白妞的方法

amyhcg 发表于 2012-12-16 07:12:00
1458 5
How to hook up with a whitechick
Hi, there .There have been so many guys asking me how to hook up with white chicks,I know how they feel about women hook up with lazy and stupid dick headed whiteguys. Feel jealous
wanna some kickassHereare some basic tips to follow when you are designated to hook up with some gorgeousand naughty white chicks.
NO1 bubbling personality.
NO2 perfect personal hygiene and grooming
NO3 mutual Respect
NO4 High life ethic
NO5 Regular sex
Maybe it not even seems to make any sense or difference to you. But most of youAsian guys are so serious or dull ,sometimes you do not have to be like that.Try to joke and prank or even tease boldly, that’s not a crime.

When it comes to first impression nothing can be more crucial than the way youlook. Simple enough, groom every day let the girls feel like they look not aschic tidy or even brighter than you than you have caught their attention

Why do I say “”mutual“” here. I know some of you guys really volunteered togive than your loved ones. That‘s sweet, anyway you deserve the same .Do notspoil her just like you are not gonna spoil your kid. it is not proper and appropriate.

What dose the life ethic mean here
Just like working ethic.Life ethic means the way you treat life. Girls are way more sensitive than us. Thatis why we need to smell the rose when we are vacant from the daily high load ofwork. Take her out for surfing at gold coast or kiss her when you wanted tomaybe some of he best ways, life needs a sense of romance, be natural.

Regular, Aha! It is not the size or how many timed you did it. Honestly white chicksask for sex when they need it but they not necessarily all slots. When a chickasks for it .it is really needed to be done. Do not feel shock or weird just goand do it with tender, not to fake any orgasms. They are sensitive to tell thatyou are faking it and guess what you get your ass kicked.

Tough enough or long enough
it’s your go to getit. All the best

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yo1yo2 发表于 2012-12-24 04:54:06
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 楼主| amyhcg 发表于 2012-12-24 10:28:30
终于让我等到了 2L这么厉害的角色 回帖回的这么有深度深刻入木三分!是哦我们广大发帖者的福音,是回帖者的榜样!
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 楼主| amyhcg 发表于 2012-12-24 10:28:54
可能是口述之后 笔记的吧
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tkong 发表于 2012-12-24 18:54:03
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yizhhf2006 发表于 2012-12-25 03:20:37
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