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[Brisbane] 父母是457签证,baby在澳出生如何办签证?

rebecca04102 发表于 2012-10-29 16:16:28
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Mr.Yuan 发表于 2012-10-29 20:28:39
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Mr.Yuan 发表于 2012-10-29 20:29:11
Your family members can also apply for a subclass 457 visa.

They are called secondary visa applicants for the purpose of this visa, and your sponsor must agree in writing to include them as secondary sponsored persons. Your employer can do this by including the details of your family members in the nomination application, or by providing this information in a letter to be attached to their visa application.

Family members include your:

    partner (married or de facto)
    dependent child
    other dependent relatives.

They will need to provide evidence of the relationship, such as marriage certificates, birth certificates, joint bank accounts and other relevant documents.
Your family members can apply:

    at the same time on the same form as the worker, and pay the one visa application charge for the entire application
    at a later time, in which case they must complete a separate visa application and pay another visa application charge.

Your family members must meet all of the following eligibility requirements for this visa, as well as the general requirements applying to all applicants for a 457 visa.
Your partner

Your partner can be included in your application if they are married to you or if they are your de facto partner, provided:

    the relationship is genuine and continuing
    the partner is at least 18 years of age when the application is lodged
    you and your partner do not have a have a parent in common and you are not an ancestor or descendant of one another.

For a married partner, the marriage must be legal under Australian law.
Your dependent child

Your child or stepchild is considered to be dependent if they are:

    are younger than 18 years of age
    are not married, engaged to be married or in a de facto relationship.

If they have turned 18 years of age, they can still be considered to be dependent if they:

    are wholly or substantially reliant on you or your partner for their basic needs (food, clothing and shelter)
    have a mental or physical disability which stops them from earning a living to support themselves.

If your child is born after you lodge your application (but before it is decided), tell the department as soon as possible and the child can be added to the application.
If your child turns 18 years of age while they are in Australia with you, but are no longer financially reliant on you, they can still be considered a member of your family unit for the purposes of a subsequent subclass 457 visa application if they are:

    younger than 21 years of age; and
    not married or in a de facto relationship.

If your child is granted a subclass 457 visa under this regulation it will only be valid until the day before their 21st birthday.
Other dependent relatives

Your other relatives may be considered dependent if all of the following apply:

    they do not have a spouse or de facto partner
    they usually live with you
    they are wholly or substantially reliant on your financial support for their basic living needs (food, shelter and clothing)
    they are more reliant on you for support than on any other person or source
    they have relied on you for a substantial period.
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757520387 发表于 2012-10-31 19:55:41 来自手机
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