本帖最后由 鑫宇论文辅导 于 2014-7-19 15:37 编辑
维州审计总署报告表明,自2012年以来,维州大学有5所赚钱更多,有3所盈利减少。所有维州大学收到学费增加3亿澳元,尽管政府减少了2.25亿拨款和成本上升2.5亿。 2013年维多利亚大学盈利560万,比2012年亏损650万进步很多,这主要是大学进行了战略裁员。 拉筹伯、皇家墨尔本理工大学、墨尔本大学和斯威本大学盈利都有进步,数据都很健康,迪肯大学盈利7700万,比2012年少了3000万,蒙纳士大学盈利3500万,比2012年减少了4300万,这主要是勾销坏账和南非校区一些举措。联邦大学FedUni的6000万盈利减少到了420万。 在政府的需求推动的教育体制下,墨尔本大学的学生数量少收了9000人,但是收到的学费却增加了8900万澳元,增幅15.5%。其他大学学费收入也增加了10%左右。此外澳洲本地学生中,17%的学生为技工类学生,比2012年的23%减少很多,这包括新学生减少14.7%。 另外和新州情况类似,维州大学的留学生学费进账增加了36%,虽然留学生人数减少了。 总之,维州的大学还比较健康,公立大学由政府监管和审计,是绝对不会倒闭的,对留学生收费方面也完全市场化了,价格弹性非常重要,澳大利亚留学网认为维州大学的学费只是正常个位数增长,应该不会高过新州7%的增长率。
ALL Victorian universities emerged in the black lastyear, driven by $300 million in increased student fee revenue, despite a $225million hit in government funding and a $250 million increase in expenses.
The report on the financial viability of Victorianuniversities by the Auditor-General found that five universities improved theirfinancial position from 2012 while three went backwards. Notably VictoriaUniversity pulled itself out of a $6.5m operating loss in 2012 to make a $5.6msurplus last year after a $56m — or 17.7 per cent decrease in employee costsafter “strategic downsizing”.
La Trobe, Swinburne, Melbourne and RMIT all produced healthier bottom lines,while Deakin’s impressive $77m surplus was $30m less than 2012. Monash’s $35msurplus, down from $78m, was a result of writing off bad debt and othermeasures from the South African campus, and Federation University’s $60msurplus was reduced to $4.2m.
The impact of the demand-driven system on revenues is clear with fouruniversities registering increases from fee revenue of 10 per cent or higher,led by the University of Melbourne which saw a $89m, or 15.5 per cent increase,in the course of the year despite the fact student numbers in the state decreasedby 9000.
“Most notably, around 17 per cent of student in 2013 were VET students,compared to 23 per cent in 2012 — a decline of 18,000 students or 22.2 per centin 2013, including a 14.7 per cent decrease in new students,” the report said.
“Changes to the funding model, where government subsidies vary depending on thecourse, have seen universities increase the cost to students for some VETcourses.”
Similar to NSW, fee revenue from international studentsincreased by 36 per cent although the number of students decreased.(转)