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[英语类] 雅思3月口语回归题 Favorite season 秋天

oz指南针团队 发表于 2014-3-5 16:37:11
379 1

3月考试题库比较稳定,part2卡片 favorite season突然在欧洲考区变得高频,要提防。以下是Vicky刚完成的新鲜答案,赶紧背起来!


Favorite season (autumn)

I love autumn because autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower; because if winter is slumber, spring is birth, and summer is life, then autumn rounds out to be reflection. It's a time of year when the leaves are down and the harvest is in. This is the season when we harvest what we have sacrificed last year, and this is the season when we know for sure that there is something called hope, awaiting for us, right ahead.

I love autumn for it was my grandpa’s favorite season. Every year when it rolls around, it creates a flood of memories. He owns a little garden where he plants various organic vegetables. And when it comes to autumn, all of them come ripe. The vines are decorated with golden pumpkins, red tomatoes and purple eggplants. Autumn is breezy and warm, what we often do is to cook in the kitchen but enjoy the meal outside in the garden. When the sunshine pours down, everyone feels cozy and sense of satisfaction.

There are many poems praising the autumn. As I remembered, there is one going like this: I like the fall, the mist and all. I like the night owl's lonely call. I like the gray November day, and bare, dead boughs that coldly sway. I like the fall, the mist and all.


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