本帖最后由 MichelleR99 于 2013-12-3 17:05 编辑
Tutor Wanted for Prep Student (age 4-5) in Paradise Point (Gold Coast). $25 per 30 minutes (negotiable).
Tutor wanted for one young boy entering prep year in 2014 (turning 5 years old in April 2014). To teach him maths (basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions) for 30-45 minutes at least one day per week in Paradise Point, Gold Coast, 4216. The subject is maths, however the main goal is to help our son improve his Chinese speaking fluency and vocabulary. The maths should be taught entirely in Mandarin using word problems covering a broad range of relevant topics and vocabulary.
The tutor should be a native Mandarin speaker, and have transport to Paradise Point. It helps if the tutor is talkative and has experience dealing with young children.
For more information or a trial, call Michelle on mobile: 0430367960 tel: (07)55771665 (Chinese language OK).