具体就是你要打电话到客服解释当时情况 然后对方就会把你原来的imei号码block掉 然后再给你issue一个新的手机.作者: Goldfish 时间: 2012-1-12 09:53
换一家店,重新问作者: apple~pie 时间: 2012-1-12 14:25
Have a detail look at the "terms and conditions" of your insurance policy, regarding the excess fee and
covering range, see what it says.作者: 120809870 时间: 2012-1-14 11:08
昨天收到了VODA的邮件 ,告诉了我CLAIM的号码, 然后让我提交一些信息,原文如下
Police report from China, OR
Statutory Declaration - Please download from http://www.ag.gov.au/statdec and have it witnessed by a Justice of Peace or Noted Signatory