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Issac的个人空间 http://ded2079.smartservers.com.au/?8681 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


2010-3-6 14:20 回复|
I am learnning Japanese at the moment, if you are level 2 to 3 speaker , would you like to practice with me?
2009-7-22 22:58 回复|
2009-7-22 22:45 回复|
A year ago, I was fxxking happy, Half year after, I was a bit worried. Another 3 momths, I start depressing, Now, I am close to despair, Not sure about tomorrow, if there is tomorrow
2009-7-22 22:14 回复|
Seeking for friends
2009-7-18 23:23 回复|

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