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Keep away plz!!

已有 389 次阅读2009-5-25 23:48

I entoil myself into trouble, since I talked to you once again.
Or otherwise, it can be explained as a blessing in disguise.
I really owe what I am to you, which I mean I can't even stay alone indoor all the time.
However, what do you mean by missing me as for words out of your mouth?
I suddenly remember that I used to get drunk once before, actually not that drunk but dizzy.
I always keep sober till I get home for safe all the time.
I know I kept brothering you at that time, and you did take care of me.
In the mean time, I was brothered by someone else after a few hours.
You never know what I want, only a simple demand to you.
While you are still into a relationship with others, please do not trace me at the same time.

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回复 Tigerray1983 2009-6-8 06:30
看着字典看完了 =。=!nice one

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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