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//buuza-ish// someone...

热度 6已有 645 次阅读2010-9-22 23:17 |个人分类:buuza-ish|

there's always someone in your life,
that's hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget...
there's always someone deep inside your heart,
though there may be others too, but cannot be replaced...
there's always someone no matter how time passes by, 
but still seems fresh like yesterday...
there's always someone who hurt you deep,
but you can only remember the way they hold your hand...

发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

回复 freakishfish 2010-9-25 00:17
where is that pic taken?...looks cool
回复 freakishfish 2010-9-25 00:26
that some1 will always have a tiny place in your heart but that special new guy will fill your heart with love again. Trust me :)
回复 日番谷冬狮郎 2010-9-25 15:02
学着释怀吧~ There will always be something/someone better in your life.
回复 kevinkk 2010-12-5 13:20
Still Struggling ?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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