
标题: 乜中國有咁勁? Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey [打印本页]

作者: 蘋果橙    时间: 2010-5-31 12:30
标题: 乜中國有咁勁? Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey
Australians fear war with China, says Lowy Institute survey
By Ian McPhedran From: The Courier-Mail  May 31, 2010 9:57AM

ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years, prompting record support for the US alliance.

According to the 2010 Lowy Institute foreign policy poll, 46 per cent of people think China will be a threat, with 19 per cent of them rating the possibility as "very likely".
And 55 per cent of the 1001 people surveyed named China as the world's top economic power, compared with 32 per cent for the United States, The Courier-Mail reports.
The reality is that China is Australia's number one trading partner, but its economy rates number four, behind the EU, US and Japan.
While 73 per cent of people regard China's growth as good for Australia, 57 per cent said the Government had allowed too much investment from China, and 69 per cent said China's aim was to dominate Asia.
Of those surveyed, 55 per cent wanted Australia to join with other countries to limit China's influence.
While Australians saw America's economic power as waning, they were still strongly supportive (86 per cent) of the Anzus Treaty and a military alliance with Uncle Sam. That was up from 63 per cent just three years ago.
Lowy Poll Project director Fergus Hanson said the results showed people were positive about China's economic growth but fearful of its military aims.
"The two sides of the China relationship play in to the rising support for the US alliance that is evident in the poll," Mr Hanson said.
Climate change
The sixth poll from the Lowy think tank also showed that Australians remained committed to acting on greenhouse gases - but they don't want to have to pay too much and they don't want Australia to get ahead of the rest of the world.
Of those polled, 72 per cent wanted Australia to take action, but 66 per cent were against taking steps that had negative economic consequences for the nation.
Meanwhile, a majority of those surveyed (54 per cent) said Australia should not be involved in the Afghanistan campaign, up from 46 per cent in 2007.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's foreign policy priority of winning a seat on the UN Security Council didn't rate too highly with punters, and just 34 per cent said they thought it was important.
That placed it at number 11 on the list of 12 goals for Australia, just ahead of seeking to abolish the death penalty in the region.
Asylum seekers
The increasing number of asylum seekers to reach Australia's shores is also weighing on the minds of the public.

As the Opposition toughens its stance on border protection, vowing to return to the Pacific Solution if elected, the poll shows almost 80 per cent of people are concerned about boat arrivals.

Those who were "very concerned" jumped to more than half of the total.

The public gave the Rudd Government a bare pass on foreign policy - 5.5 out of 10.
With AAP
作者: fisk    时间: 2010-5-31 21:12


虽然澳洲人认为美国的经济实力减弱,但他们仍然强烈支持(86%)澳新美条约和与美国的军事同盟。而这一比例在三年前为63%。Lowy民调项目主管汉森(Fergus Hanson)表示,研究结果显示人们对中国经济增长持正面态度,但害怕其军事目的。这两方面推动了对于美国同盟支持的增长。



作者: FBI    时间: 2010-6-1 22:27

作者: cbanzhu    时间: 2010-6-1 23:22
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