
标题: 最少雅思4个8是目前四大会计事务所和澳洲四大银行对海外留学生的基本要求 [打印本页]

作者: oz指南针团队    时间: 2014-1-3 14:39
标题: 最少雅思4个8是目前四大会计事务所和澳洲四大银行对海外留学生的基本要求

同学们如果你还在为pr和4个7烦恼,请不要哀伤,看看Ernest&Young(四大中名气最小的)0 U* q: V, E- u0 q5 I
更不用说四大投行,ANZ,NAB,westpac, Commonwealth Bank, 在很多项目比如写作和口语8分或8.5是最低要求。否则根本没有申请资格。对于485.457.885bridging visa 这些partly funded (未完成申请中)的人一概无资格申请!并且直截了当告诉你“We donot accpect international student!"
但是对于local 和有pr的人不管你英语水平有多差,一律可以申请。) " {* a! v5 S7 b" n6 V4 t0 @) v
所以各位想留学,您把钱交了,交出银子,您绝对是澳洲尊贵客人, s6 h5 ^ _4 ^. D+ S. L
想拿pr, 7/1后您就要按时顺利完成学业,外加职业评估+雅思4个7 l$ R; o3 o# {. U' {% a+ O
或4个8(非偏远)" O4 D" H; h% b Z
想找大公司的实习工作工作,你就要和local一样的英语能力,虽然您不是土生土长,外加一张到手的pr 。
所谓澳洲本土公司的招聘要求就是你的英语必须和local是同等水平,你的成绩GPA和学历要高出一到两个重量级,(一般GPA要均D,绝对不能有挂科才有资格申请=GPA5.5-6.5区间,就算你完成学业,雅思4个7过渡到漫无边际的bridging visa 阶段,或者你能力超强有公司直接聘用你给你做sponsor你依然没有到大公司实习的资格!几乎所有上一点规模的商业公司招聘全部第一句话are you Citizen or PR? 底气足的直接要4个8,就算你有4个8只是能递简历罢了,也不一定有面试机会,如果有形面试,绝对要一口流利英语,然后如果您有兴入围internship,先要过公司的6-12实习期,有的给钱,有的不给钱,中途中如果达不到公司标准,直接出局。6 ^3 d: L, J+ F$ o& v% u/ x
) e9 t9 T- w( s0 ~ B! d
这些话可能只限于华人中实力超群的童鞋,对于那些根本不挨边,学业一般,雅思考不过4个7的绝大多数华人留学生, 一开始做1,2年labor 太正常不过了,想在澳洲成为专业professional 将是一个漫长和痛苦的旅程,当然青春和人生是你自己的,你有作出任何选择的权利!
To be a vacationer, you must hold the relevant student visa that grants you the right to work full time during your university holidays. You'll need to submit a copy of the visa at the time you apply to join the Vacationer program.

At this stage, we don't accept applications from international students for our Cadet Program. If you're an international student and don't meet these criteria, you could consider a career in one of our overseas offices. For more information, visit ey.com/careers

When you submit your application, you must attach a copy of your IELTS test scores. You will need to achieve a minimum score in each of the following individual categories (Academic or General module accepted):

  • 8.0 speaking
  • 8.0 listening
  • 8.0 writing
  • 8.0 reading

Unfortunately, we can't fully or partly fund applications for permanent residency, or sponsor students on the 457 Visa. Also, we're unable to provide advice on or supporting documentation for your permanent residency application. At this stage, we don't accept applications from international students for our Internship Year or Cadet Programs.(狠直接声明如果你没有pr想通过公司给你提供文件申请,是绝对不可能的,直接告诉你不接受international student!)

作者: stfz    时间: 2014-4-29 09:09

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