
标题: 请教关于partner visa [打印本页]

作者: 兔美酱    时间: 2012-11-6 21:24
标题: 请教关于partner visa
RT. 男朋友是aussie,同居,恋爱一年多,都不想结婚,所以目前准备先申请partner visa

请教各位有没有知道 或者自己申请过的,可以提供任何关于申请过程中要注意的地方,特别是想知道关于interview会问些什么,怎么个情况。

作者: 大佬秆    时间: 2012-11-6 21:34
作者: Mr.Yuan    时间: 2012-11-6 21:52
http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/ ... ibility-defacto.htm
作者: Mr.Yuan    时间: 2012-11-6 21:52

Family Members

    Visa options
    Capping and queuing
    What's new

Partner Visa: Onshore Temporary and Permanent (Subclasses 820 and 801)

    About this Visa
    How this Visa Works
    Applying for this Visa

De Facto Applicant Eligibility

On this page

    Health requirements
    Character requirements
    When you may not be eligible
    Australian Values Statement


You must be at least 18 years at the time of application.

You must not be related by family. This means you and your sponsor must not:

    be an ancestor or descendant of one another
    have a parent in common.

Related by family includes relationships traced through an adoptive parent, and for this purpose, also includes any adoption that may have been declared void or has ceased to have effect.

You must be sponsored by an eligible sponsor. An eligible sponsor is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, who undertakes sponsorship obligations. Generally, the sponsor is the partner of the applicant.

You and your partner must have been in a de facto relationship for the entire 12 months immediately prior to lodging your application.
See: One-Year Relationship Requirement

The 12-month relationship requirement may be waived if, at the time of application, one of the following situations applies:

    you can demonstrate compelling and compassionate circumstances, such as if you have children with your partner.
    all the following circumstances apply:
        your partner is, or was, the holder of a permanent humanitarian visa
        prior to their permanent humanitarian visa being granted, you were in a relationship with your partner that meets the requirements of a de facto relationship
        the department was informed of this before the permanent humanitarian visa was granted
    you had registered your de facto relationship.
    Note: De facto relationship registration is not available in all states and territories. If you are considering registering your relationship, check with the relevant state or territory Births, Deaths and Marriages agency for further information.
    See: Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries

You and your partner must show a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others. You and your partner must be living together or, if not, any separation must be only temporary. You must also have a genuine and continuing relationship with your partner.
See: Evidence of a Genuine and Continuing Relationship
Health requirements

You must meet certain health requirements. Please do not undertake a health check unless requested to do so.
See: Health Requirements for Visa Applicants
Character requirements

You must meet character requirements.
See: Character and Penal Clearance Requirements
When you may not be eligible

There are some specific reasons you may not be eligible for this visa.
See: When you may not be eligible
Australian Values Statement

If you are aged 18 years or over, you are required to sign an Australian values statement. The statement is included in your visa application form and all applicants aged 18 years and over will need to sign it to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws. Before signing this statement you are required to have read, or had explained to you, material made available by the government on life in Australia which is contained in the Life in Australia book.

The Life in Australia book provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life.
Australian Values - Overview
Life in Australia Book

Before lodging an application, please read all related requirements.
See: Eligibility
作者: 兔美酱    时间: 2012-11-6 22:46
Mr.Yuan 发表于 2012-11-6 21:52
Family Members


作者: 兔美酱    时间: 2012-11-6 22:48
大佬秆 发表于 2012-11-6 21:34

我就是对照document checklist上面准备的所有材料,但是其实不是很多啊。有说服力么?

作者: smallwhale    时间: 2012-11-7 07:10
還是一句話 如果是真的交往
作者: shawnx    时间: 2012-11-7 09:23
作者: lukerica    时间: 2012-11-8 09:20
移民局主要就是看两个人的关系究竟是不是够紧密,财务上最好多上交一些联名的bank statement, lease agreement, mortgage, utility bills一类的。还有可以交一些两人平时的手机通话记录,互送礼物的收据,一起出去旅游的机票、住宿酒店的收据、旅游保险和两人的照片。888表格的确是多交几份比较好,但是要注意每个证人写的故事不要有冲突的地方,这点在双方写各自的love story是也要注意,尤其是两个人第一次见面的具体日期地点,和感情上的重大事件等要保证叙述一致。还有就是最好附上一些与证人一起照的照片,会更加有说服力。证人除了朋友等也可以包括双方家人,最好双方父母也都写一份,这样能够证明你们的关系是被双方家庭承认和重视的。材料最后按照checklist上面顺序排序可能会比较直观清楚。 这样就会发现最后要上交的材料还是挺多的,总体也更加有说服力。

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