Don't fake it! It's illegal to use someone else's ID or make a fake ID.
•If you use a friend's ID you may be fined $330* on the spot.
•If you lend your ID to a friend you may be fined up to $550* and the ID may be confiscated on the spot.
•If you deface an ID to use it you may be fined $440* on the spot.
•If you make and use a fake ID you may be fined $660* on the spot.
*or you could be taken to court and fined for each offence you commit up to a total of $4400
All fake IDs will be confiscated.作者: gzowl 时间: 2012-9-30 00:48
我也有这个疑问。自己学校的ID勒?近期好像抓到很多用过期/假卡的人。南区公车线上查的很严啊~~~坐了三次车就碰到了两次查票的。。。大家小心!不值得被抓啊~~。 作者: nokia3000cn 时间: 2012-10-1 15:12
why people do not know FYI's meaning???/
It is not meeeeee作者: nokia3000cn 时间: 2012-10-1 15:14