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[Brisbane] 学生签证持翻译驾照有效期问题

Aircrash 发表于 2012-8-18 19:35:47
15178 34
买车开了刚2周 买车之前一直被这个问题困扰 网上2种说法 一是学生签证可以一直用翻译件 如果拿了PR就只有3个月 另一种是不管什么签证 翻译件只能3个月 为了准确我自己去www.tmr.qld.gov.au/这个网站看了关于foreign licence的说法 得出结论是学生签证翻译件应该是可以一直用的 所以一直也没担心什么 但是今天无意看到一个也是这个问题的帖子 跟帖的几乎都说不管什么签证只有3个月 其中还有版主这种高人 然后还说我这种如果出了事故保险公司也不会管 因为是无证驾驶(我已经来了超过3个月了) 所以只有期望别出事 出事就完了 看了后慌了 又去那个网站看了http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Licensing/Visitors-and-new-residents/International-drivers.aspx这篇东西  总感觉翻译件在学生签证还是有效的
所以在此希望懂行的朋友给个答案 或者英语好的朋友耽搁几分钟时间帮我看看那个页面  谁都不希望出事 但是也不能保证不出事啊 如果真的是他们说的那样 那这车还怎么开 整天提心吊胆的  先谢谢 thanks 了!!
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dowling 发表于 2013-2-13 17:11:16
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Vancecv 发表于 2013-2-8 09:06:32
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曾泰 发表于 2013-2-7 22:17:39
tmr的官方解释,学生签证不是residence visa吧

What is a foreign driver licence?

A foreign driver licence is a licence to drive a motor vehicle issued to you under the law of another country.

Note: A New Zealand driver licence is also a foreign driver licence.

Can I drive in Queensland under my valid foreign driver licence?

When driving on a road in Queensland under your valid foreign driver licence you must:

only drive the class of motor vehicle authorised on that licence
comply with the conditions (if any) of your licence
show your licence to a police officer when asked to do so.
If your licence is in a language other than English, you should carry a recognised English translation of it when driving. This translation should be shown to the police officer at the same time you are required to show your licence. For a list of approved recognised translators, contact the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI).

When must I not drive in Queensland with my foreign driver licence?

You must not drive in Queensland on your foreign driver licence if:

you have been disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver licence by an order of an Australian court
your authority to drive on the licence has been suspended or withdrawn.
When would my authority to drive in Queensland on my foreign driver licence be suspended?

Your authority to drive in Queensland on your foreign driver licence will be suspended if you have:

not paid any fines imposed on you by a court
accumulated an excess number of demerit points on your traffic history
been convicted of driving at more than 40km/h over the speed limit.
When would my authority to drive in Queensland on my foreign driver licence be withdrawn?

Your authority to drive in Queensland on your foreign driver licence will be withdrawn if you:

become medically unfit to drive safely
are an Australian citizen and you have been residing in Queensland for three months
are not an Australian citizen, but before you took up residence in Queensland you were given a resident visa and you have now been residing in Queensland for three months
are not an Australian citizen, but after you took up residence in Queensland you were given a resident visa and you have now been residing in Queensland for three months since getting the visa.
Note: A resident visa means a permanent visa or a special category visa under the Migration Act 1958 (Commonwealth). These visas allow a person to stay indefinitely in Australia. Other visas, for example a temporary, business or guardian visa, that allows a person to stay in Australia for a limited time, or until a certain event happens or while they have a special status, is not a resident visa.
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doriszyf 发表于 2013-2-7 09:41:03

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投球男子CYX 发表于 2013-2-7 08:57:43
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ycyan 发表于 2012-9-24 04:43:48
如果是真的驾照 是小小的吃亏一下。。。。假的。。。。就祈祷吧
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siweizhang 发表于 2012-9-23 15:17:52
确定就是只能用三个月 去考驾照的时候问的 没有警察管这个是因为 他们多数在关注有没有可以罚款的 或者 危险驾驶什么的 最好是去考一个本地的
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parisliang 发表于 2012-9-20 19:05:33
额 额 额 额 我在这边撞车 租车 各种事情全是用多内驾照的。。。。。。。~~   应该没事吧
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阿平 发表于 2012-9-20 00:01:26
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