
标题: 分享:55 days interest free到底是怎么计算的? [打印本页]

作者: vincentxiao    时间: 2012-5-27 14:05
标题: 分享:55 days interest free到底是怎么计算的?
A lot of credit card providers are offering 55 days interest free. How exactly it works?
"Say you had a credit card with up to 55 days interest free and your credit card statement starts on the 1st of every month and ends on the 30th of every month. If you have up to 55 days interest free, your credit card bill will be due on the 25th of the next month. For example:
This means that there is a total of 55 days from the 1st of April including the day your bill is due.
Now let’s say you made a purchase of $100 on the 1st of April. No interest will be charged on the amount of the purchase up to, and including, the 25th of May. You get 55 days interest free on the purchase billed to your credit card on the 1st of April.

"When you fail to pay off your debt in full on any given month, you will lose the privilege of having interest free days, which means you will pay more interest than you thought."

作者: SugarHappy    时间: 2012-5-29 20:32
作者: vincentxiao    时间: 2012-5-29 21:56
SugarHappy 发表于 2012-5-29 20:32
我有问题问问楼主,我认为55天就是,你先用钱。55天后再还钱。但是很多时候账 ...

信用卡的账单肯定是每个月要寄来的,因为账单是按自然月生成的。一般来讲,银行都会以信用卡开通的那一天作为anniversary date,比如说一月一号。这样的话,银行会在每个月的一号那天生成一份账单,统计你在过去一个月的信用卡交易。
1. 每次收到账单的时候要保证closing balance fully paid on or before due date
2. 用信用卡买东西(retail purchase) 的消费日期要在信用卡周期的第一天


这样看来,大家都会问:谁会那么巧在信用卡周期的第一天去消费,然后就不再用卡了呀?没错,在现实生活中,基本上大家都是随心所欲的用嘛,哪有挑日子去消费的道理。当然,也不排除有特别用心的客人会去注意anniversary date,计算好周期来择日消费,尽最大程度的去享受55天免息。

以我自己的经验,我的卡也是有55天免息的,但我基本上没有享受过55天那么多。每次收到账单,比如账单上写statement period 是from 10 MAY 2011 to 9 JUNE 2011,closing balance $500, due date一般是延后10天的,也就是19 JUNE 2011.只要在19号当天付满$500是不会有任何利息的。总归是要把balance付掉的,久而久之,也就不太去在意这个55天了。毕竟信用卡是备不时之需嘛,55天免息本质上就是商家的一种促销噱头罢了


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