你:Can I please speak to Tom? (如果报纸上有特定的联系人你就直接要求跟那个人通话,如果没有就跳过这句)
店东:Tom speaking, how can I help you?
你:Hi, my name is chinching and I'm just inquiring about the position vacant you advertised on the paper. Is it still available?
1. Sorry, the position has been taken already.
2. Yes, do you have any experience previously?
3. Yes. Can you come to our shop this afternoon
对第2种回答,你要小心。如果他广告上已经要求经验了,那么你最好是已经有相关经验再去应聘。但如果他广告上没有要求经验,但又问你有没有经验,通常有两种最大的可能性:一是有些有工作经验的人已经打过电话了,所以他想比较一下;二是他听得出你的亚洲口音,想把你挡回去。在这种情况下,你可以回答: Well, although I don't have too much experience, I have worked in XXXX shops. I think I've developed some customer service skills which will be quite helpful for me to pick up this job.
或者如果你什么经验也没有你可以回答:Well, I don't have too much experience, but I think I can learn very quickly. And you didn't ask for experience in the AD anyway, did you? (然后让老板知道你很想学。)
我想大家都知道问 "Hi, how can I help you?" 或者"Hi, what would youlike?"如果有顾客在那里站了好长时间没有反应,或者你不确定对方是否已经叫过食物了,你可以说"Are you all right?" 或者“Have you been served?"作者: 懶゛貓唲 时间: 2009-1-14 17:11
范例A -- 堂吃咖啡 :
A: Hey, are you all right?
B: Yes. Hmm... can I please have ... a soy latte?
A: Have it here or take away? (如果是takeaway的话,店里会有不同size的杯子,如果是eat-in, 则只有一种size)
B: I'll have it here.
A: Can you show me the table you're gonna sit?
B: The one close to the window.
A: Yep. Anything else?
B: No, thank you.
A: Two dollars eighty please!
B hands over 5 dollars
A: That's five dollars
(A then entry the transaction, put the money in the cash machine and get the change.)
这一步是关键。因为它影响了你的小费的多少( 当然你让客人点菜时的服务也对小费有影响)。点完餐就可以开始发刀叉和纸巾。等到上菜时,如果是多个人同桌进餐,一定要确定把每个人的菜上到自己的那边。所以在靠近菜桌时最好报一下你上的是什么菜。然后看一下顾客的反应。有些有经验的waitress/waiter甚至能够用脑子记住谁点了什么菜,蛮厉害的!上完菜不要忘记说一些让顾客开胃的套话。比如:Enjoy your meal!